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Rubber grommet for the firewall to suit left hand drive Spiders (and possibly Coupes & Saloons) up to 1969. It is for the choke cable and hand throttle cable on these cars. Also fits most 116 models.
Firewall grommet for the speedometer cable on left hand drive 105 series Giulia saloons and up to 1750 GTV cars up to 1970 with standing pedals. Also fits most 116 models including GTV6.
Heater hose grommet for Stepfront Sprint GT, Sprint GTVs, GTAs, GTCs, Roundtail Spiders and Giulia sedans up to the late 1960s. Also fits many 116 and 75 models. Sold individually.
Choke cable to suit all carburetted Spiders 1970-87 with the choke cable mounted in the centre console. The replacement choke cable for other models is available under item code FL036...
Steering box case, for early LHD Burman steering boxes. This has the extra point at the base for the linkage attachment for cars with column gear change. we understand this type of case was...