D0172 REAR BRAKE PADS WITH WEAR INDICATOR 116 … Rear brake pads for some 4 cylinder 116 and 75 models with wear indicator. Please check photo. ¥4,694.61 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
D0084 PROP COUPLING FRONT 116 & 75 4CYL 1977> Propshaft front coupling for 116 models from 1977 plus 4 cylinder 75 models. ¥7,511.37 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
BR208 FERODO DS3000 BRAKE PADS - FRONT - ALFA … High performance racing brake pads to suit the Brembo front brake calipers as found on Alfa 75s. ¥23,473.04 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
D0299 EXHAUST HANGER 116 & 75 4CYL Exhaust hanger for 4 cylinder 116 and 75 models. ¥657.25 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
D0151 FRONT BRAKE DISC 116 4CYL >1981 Front brake disc for 4 cylinder 116 models up to 1981. Please check photos carefully before ordering. Sold singly. Please order two. ¥14,083.82 View Item Out of stock
D0171 REAR BRAKE PADS 116 & 75 Rear brake pads for some 116 and 75 models. Please check photo. ¥4,694.61 View Item Out of stock
D0231 DE DION FRONT/CENTRE BUSH SUPERFLEX 116 … Bush for the front/centre of the De Dion frame in Superflex polyurethane for 4 cylinder 116 and 75 models. 60mm diameter and 45mm width. ¥5,633.53 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
D0072 CV JOINT FOR DRIVESHAFT 4CYL 116 AND 75 CV joint kit for 4 cylinder 116 and 75 models. 8mm bolt holes. ¥15,022.74 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
D0079 PROPSHAFT CENTRE MOUNT 116 & 75 4CYL Propshaft centre mount for all 4 cylinder 116 and 75 models. ¥3,755.69 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: