D0367 LOWER RADIATOR HOSE 75 4CYL INJECTION CA… Lower radiator hose for fuel injected 4 cylinder 75 models. €40.27 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
D0352 RADIATOR HOSE (WATER PUMP TO T-PIECE) 75… Bottom radiator hose (running from the water pump to the T-piece on the 75 V6 3.0. €20.73 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
D0336 FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR 4CYL INJECTION C… Fuel pressure regulator for S4 spiders and fuel injected, 4-cylinder 116 and 75 models. €112.51 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
D0044 AIR INTAKE HOSE 4CYL 75 Air intake hose for some 4 cylinder 75 models. €82.90 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity:
WA057 HOSE WATER PUMP TO THERMOSTAT - INJECTIO… Coolant hose from water pump to thermostat to radiator overflow container to fit fuel injected Spiders 1989-93 with electric engine fans. €28.42 Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: