80078 USED ENGINE BLOCK EARLY 1300 105 AR00530
Used engine block from an early 105-series engine with cartridge, type AR00530. Includes front timing cover.
Std price: $694.23$347.11 -
80061 USED ENGINE BLOCK 105 2000 AR00512
Vapour blasted used engine block from a 2000CC 105-series engine, type AR00512. No front timing cover. There is corrosion on the liner seats.
Std price: $505.79$252.90 -
80058 USED ENGINE BLOCK LATE 1300 105 AR00530
Used engine block from a late 105-series engine with spin-on oil filter, type AR00530. Includes main bearing caps but not the front timing cover.
Std price: $763.65$381.82